Class TargetServerHelper

  • public class TargetServerHelper
    extends Object
    Encapsulates the logic for deciding what TargetServer objects to use for a given command invocation.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TargetServerHelper

        public TargetServerHelper()
    • Method Detail

      • targetServers

        public static org.glassfish.appclient.client.acc.config.TargetServer[] targetServers​(org.glassfish.appclient.client.acc.config.ClientContainer clientContainer,
                                                                                             String commandOptionValue)
                                                                                      throws UserError
        Returns the target endpoint(s) to use for bootstrapping to the server- side ORB(s).

        The user can specify the set of targets in multiple ways. If the user uses the -targetserver command-line option, then that setting overrides all other derivations of the target server list. In the absence of the -targetserver option, the appclient command composes a list of endpoints based on (first) the target-server element(s) from the ACC configuration file and adds to that list, if present, any setting from a client-container/property setting of GlassFishORBManager.IIOP_ENDPOINTS_PROPERTY.

        clientContainer - the client container JAXB fragment
        target server(s) to use for bootstrapping