Class StringHelper

  • public class StringHelper
    extends Object
    NOTE: These utilities have been moved from another (more specific package's) utility class so that more classes can have access to them. There can be some refactoring work to combine these with some of the methods in the StringScanner class.
    March 3, 2000
    • Constructor Detail

      • StringHelper

        public StringHelper()
    • Method Detail

      • arrayToSeparatedList

        public static String arrayToSeparatedList​(List list,
                                                  int beginIndex,
                                                  int endIndex,
                                                  String separator)
        Convert an array of objects into a separated string. This method assumes there is no instance of the separator in the strings of list.
        list - The list of objects to be expanded.
        beginIndex - The index of the first element in the list to be used.
        endIndex - The index of the last element in the list to be used.
        separator - The separator to be used between strings.
        a string representing the expanded list.
      • arrayToSeparatedList

        public static String arrayToSeparatedList​(List list,
                                                  int beginIndex,
                                                  int endIndex)
        Convert an array of objects into a separated string using the default separator. This method assumes there is no instance of the separator in the strings of list.
        list - The list of objects to be expanded.
        beginIndex - The index of the first element in the list to be used.
        endIndex - The index of the last element in the list to be used.
        a string representing the expanded list.
      • arrayToSeparatedList

        public static String arrayToSeparatedList​(List list,
                                                  String separator)
        Convert an array of objects into a separated string using the specified separator and the entire array. This method assumes there is no instance of the separator in the strings of list.
        list - The list of objects to be expanded.
        separator - The separator to be used between strings.
        a string representing the expanded list.
      • arrayToSeparatedList

        public static String arrayToSeparatedList​(List list)
        Convert an array of objects into a separated string using the default separator and the entire array. This method assumes there is no instance of the separator in the strings of list.
        list - The list of objects to be expanded.
        a string representing the expanded list.
      • separatedListToArray

        public static List<String> separatedListToArray​(String list,
                                                        String separator)
        Convert a separated string to an array of strings
        list - The string representing the list of objects.
        separator - The separator to be used to tokenize strings.
        an array representing the tokenized list.
      • separatedListToArray

        public static List<String> separatedListToArray​(String list)
        Convert a separated string to an array of strings using the default separator.
        list - The string representing the list of objects.
        an array representing the tokenized list.
      • intArrayToSeparatedList

        public static String intArrayToSeparatedList​(int[] intArray,
                                                     String separator)
        Convert an array of int values into a separated string.
        intArray - The array of int values to be expanded.
        separator - The separator to be used between strings.
        a string representing the expanded array.
      • intArrayToSeparatedList

        public static String intArrayToSeparatedList​(int[] intArray,
                                                     int beginIndex,
                                                     int endIndex,
                                                     String separator)
        Convert an array of int values into a separated string.
        intArray - The array of int values to be expanded.
        beginIndex - The index of the first element in the array to be used.
        endIndex - The index of the last element in the array to be used.
        separator - The separator to be used between strings.
        a string representing the expanded array.
      • isEmpty

        public static boolean isEmpty​(String aString)
        Checks if a string is null or empty.
        true if the string is null or empty after trim, false otherwirse.
      • getCapitalizedString

        public static String getCapitalizedString​(String aString)
        Gets a version of the specified string with the first letter capitalized. This can be used to convert a field name to get and set method names.
        aString - the string to be capitalized
        a capitalized for the specified string
      • replaceFirst

        public static String replaceFirst​(String string,
                                          String oldString,
                                          String newString)
        Replaces the first occurence of oldString in string with newString. The methods returns either a new string instance (in the case oldString is included in the string) or the origial string itself (in the case oldString is not included).
        string - the original string.
        oldString - the string to be replaced.
        newString - the string the old value is replaced with.
        a string derived from the specified this string by replacing the first occurence oldString with newString.
      • replace

        public static String replace​(String string,
                                     String oldString,
                                     String newString)
        Replaces all occurences of oldString in string with newString. The methods returns either a new string instance (in the case oldString is included in the string) or the origial string itself (in the case oldString is not included).
        string - the original string.
        oldString - the string to be replaced.
        newString - the string the old value is replaced with.
        a string derived from the specified this string by replacing every occurrence of oldString with newString.
      • rtrim

        public static String rtrim​(String input)
        Trims trailing spaces from input.
        input - The input string.
        A new string with trailing spaces trimmed. If there are no trailing spaces, returns input.
      • escape

        public static String escape​(String str)
        Escaping given string by " and \.
        str - String to be escaped
        string escaped by " and \.