Class GenericCommandModel

    • Constructor Detail

      • GenericCommandModel

        public GenericCommandModel​(Class<?> targetType,
                                   boolean useAnnotations,
                                   ExecuteOn cluster,
                                   I18n i18n,
                                   LocalStringManager localStrings,
                                   DomDocument document,
                                   String commandName,
                                   boolean managedJob,
                                   Class<?>... extraTypes)
        GenericCommandModel constructor.
        targetType - the ConfigBeanProxy class that may have additional @Param annotations for the command,
        useAnnotations - if true, use the annotations on the targetType class to define the parameters
        cluster - the @ExecuteOn annotation, if any
        i18n - the @I18n annotation, if any
        localStrings - where to find strings for the command
        document - the DomDocument for the command
        commandName - the name of the command
        supportsProgress - true only if command working with ProgressStatus
        extraTypes - any extra types that might also define parameters for the command
    • Method Detail

      • getLocalizedDescription

        public String getLocalizedDescription()
        Description copied from class: CommandModel
        Returns a localized description for this command
        Specified by:
        getLocalizedDescription in class CommandModel
        a localized displayable description
      • getUsageText

        public String getUsageText()
        Description copied from class: CommandModel
        Returns a localized usage text for this command or null if the usage text should be generated from this model.
        Specified by:
        getUsageText in class CommandModel
        the usage text
      • getCommandName

        public String getCommandName()
        Description copied from class: CommandModel
        Returns the command name as it is typed by the user.
        Specified by:
        getCommandName in class CommandModel
        the command name
      • getModelFor

        public CommandModel.ParamModel getModelFor​(String paramName)
        Description copied from class: CommandModel
        Returns the parameter model for a particular parameter
        Specified by:
        getModelFor in class CommandModel
        paramName - the requested parameter model name
        the parameter model if the command supports a parameter of the passed name or null if not.
      • getParametersNames

        public Collection<String> getParametersNames()
        Description copied from class: CommandModel
        Returns a collection of parameter names supported by this admininstrative command
        Specified by:
        getParametersNames in class CommandModel
        all the command's paramter names.
      • getCommandClass

        public Class<?> getCommandClass()
        Description copied from class: CommandModel
        Return the class that defines the command. Normally this will be the class that provides the implementation of the command, but for generic CRUD commands it might be the config class that defines the command. The command class is used to locate resources related to the command, e.g., the command's man page. If the command model isn't associated with a command class, null is returned.
        Specified by:
        getCommandClass in class CommandModel
        the command class, or null if none
      • getClusteringAttributes

        public ExecuteOn getClusteringAttributes()
        Description copied from class: CommandModel
        Return the cluster parameters for this command or null if none are specified and defaults should be used.
        Specified by:
        getClusteringAttributes in class CommandModel
        a ExecuteOn annotation instance or null
      • isManagedJob

        public boolean isManagedJob()
        Description copied from class: CommandModel
        This command is managed job. It is preferred to listen using SSE in case of remote execution.
        Specified by:
        isManagedJob in class CommandModel
        true only if command is @ManagedJob