Class MapInjectionResolver

    • Method Detail

      • setContext

        public void setContext​(ExecutionContext context)
        Set the context that is passed to the DynamicParamImpl.defaultValue method.
      • isOptional

        public boolean isOptional​(AnnotatedElement element,
                                  Param annotation)
        Description copied from class: InjectionResolver
        Returns true if the resolution of this injection identified by the passed annotation instance is optional
        isOptional in class InjectionResolver<Param>
        element - is the annotated java element Method or Field
        annotation - the injection metadata
        true if the {@see getValue()} can return null without generating a faulty injection operation
      • getValue

        public <V> V getValue​(Object component,
                              AnnotatedElement target,
                              Type genericType,
                              Class<V> type)
                       throws org.glassfish.hk2.api.MultiException
        Description copied from interface: InjectionResolverQuery
        Returns the value to inject in the field or method of component annotated with the annotated annotation.
        component - injection target instance
        target - is the annotated java element Method or Field
        genericType - the generic type of the expected return
        type - type of the expected return
        the resource to be injected
        org.glassfish.hk2.api.MultiException - if the resource cannot be located.
      • getUploadedFileParamValue

        public static String getUploadedFileParamValue​(String fieldName,
                                                       Class fieldType,
                                                       org.jvnet.hk2.component.MultiMap<String,​File> optionNameToFileMap)
        Returns the path to the uploaded file if the specified field is of type File and if the field name is the same as one of the option names that was associated with an uploaded File in the incoming command request.
        fieldName - name of the field being injected
        fieldType - type of the field being injected
        optionNameToFileMap - map of field names to uploaded Files
        absolute path of the uploaded file for the field; null if no file uploaded for this field
      • getUploadedFileParamValues

        public static List<String> getUploadedFileParamValues​(String fieldName,
                                                              Class fieldType,
                                                              org.jvnet.hk2.component.MultiMap<String,​File> optionNameToFileMap)
        Returns the paths to the uploaded files if the specified field is of type File[] and if the field name is the same as one of the option names that was associated with an uploaded File in the incoming command request.
        fieldName - name of the field being injected
        fieldType - type of the field being injected
        optionNameToFileMap - map of field names to uploaded Files
        List of absolute paths of the uploaded files for the field; null if no file uploaded for this field
      • convertListToObject

        public static Object convertListToObject​(AnnotatedElement target,
                                                 Class type,
                                                 List<String> paramValList)
        Convert the List parameter to the specified type.
        target - the target field
        type - the type of class to convert
        paramValList - the List of String values to convert