Annotation Type Delete

  • @Retention(RUNTIME)
    public @interface Delete
    Delete command annotation A method annotated with the Delete annotation will generate a generic implementation of a delete administrative command responsible for delete instances of the type as referenced by the annotated method. The deleted type is determine by the annotated method which must follow one of the two following patterns : List<X> getXs(); or void setX(X x); X is the type of instance that will be deleted, the name of the method is actually immaterial. So for example, the following
     public List<Foo> getAllMyFoos();
     public void setMySuperFoo(Foo foo);
     public List<Foo> getFoos();
     public List<Foo> getFoo();
    will all be valid annotated methods. The instance to be removed from the parent must be resolved by the resolver attribute. The resolver can use injection or the command invocation parameters (using the Param annotation) to get enough information to look up or retrieve the instance to be deleted. Usually, most instances can be looked up by using the instance type and its key (provided by the --name or --target parameters for instance). See Create for initialization information
    Jerome Dochez
    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and Type Required Element Description
      I18n i18n
      Returns the i18n key that will be used to look up a localized string in the annotated type module.
      String value
      Name of the command that will be used to register this generic command implementation under.
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      ExecuteOn cluster
      Returns the desired behaviors in a clustered environment.
      Class<? extends DeletionDecorator> decorator
      Returns a decorator type that should be looked up and called when a configuration element of the annotated type is deleted.
      Class<? extends CrudResolver> resolver
      Returns the instance of the configured object that should be deleted.
    • Element Detail

      • value

        String value
        Name of the command that will be used to register this generic command implementation under.
        the command name as the user types it.
      • i18n

        I18n i18n
        Returns the i18n key that will be used to look up a localized string in the annotated type module.
        the key to look up localized description for the command.
      • resolver

        Class<? extends CrudResolver> resolver
        Returns the instance of the configured object that should be deleted. The implementation of that interface can use the command parameters to make a determination about which instance should be used.
        the instance targeted for deletion.
      • decorator

        Class<? extends DeletionDecorator> decorator
        Returns a decorator type that should be looked up and called when a configuration element of the annotated type is deleted.
        a deletion decorator for the annotated type
      • cluster

        ExecuteOn cluster
        Returns the desired behaviors in a clustered environment. By default, using all the ExecuteOn default values
        the cluster information