Interface ContextLifecycle

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ContextLifecycle
    extends ViewCapable
    Work contexts that implements this interface will be notified of context propagation lifecycle events when a context is changed, added, removed, or propagated.
    • Method Detail

      • contextChanged

        void contextChanged​(Object replacementContext)
        Informs the receiver that a new context is taking its place in the ContextMap
        replacementContext - The replacement context.
      • contextAdded

        void contextAdded()
        Informs this Context that it was added to the ContextMap. This notification is particularly valuable when this Context was automatically added to a ContextMap during deserialization.
      • contextRemoved

        void contextRemoved()
        Informs this Context that it was removed from the ContextMap
      • contextToPropagate

        ViewCapable contextToPropagate()
        Sent to a Context just before it is propagated.
        The context to propagate. It could be this, another context, or null if the receiver wants to prevent this context propagation.