Class ContextMapHelper

  • public class ContextMapHelper
    extends Object
    Provides internal access to context-propagation artifacts. Application developers should retrieve the ContextMap from the JNDI instead.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ContextMapHelper

        public ContextMapHelper()
    • Method Detail

      • getScopeAwareContextMap

        public static ContextMap getScopeAwareContextMap()
        The in-scope ContextMap.
      • getScopeAwarePropagator

        public static ContextMapPropagator getScopeAwarePropagator()
        The in-scope instance of ContextMapPropagator so that communication protocols can ask the ContextMapPropagator to handle the context propagation bytes on the wire.
      • registerContextFactoryForPrefixNamed

        public static void registerContextFactoryForPrefixNamed​(String prefixName,
                                                                ContextViewFactory factory)
        ViewCapable objects are created by the context propagation framework when needed using the ContextViewFactory registered against the specified context name
        prefixName - This is the name of the context that should be instantiated with the corresponding factory.
        factory - A ContextViewFactory.