Class DeployCommand

    • Constructor Detail

      • DeployCommand

        public DeployCommand()
    • Method Detail

      • execute

        public void execute​(AdminCommandContext context)
        Entry point from the framework into the command execution
        Specified by:
        execute in interface AdminCommand
        context - context for the command.
      • retrieveArtifacts

        public static void retrieveArtifacts​(AdminCommandContext context,
                                             Application app,
                                             String targetLocalDir)
        Places into the outgoing payload the downloadable artifacts for an application.
        context - the admin command context for the command requesting the artifacts download
        app - the application of interest
        targetLocalDir - the client-specified local directory to receive the downloaded files
      • retrieveArtifacts

        public static void retrieveArtifacts​(AdminCommandContext context,
                                             Application app,
                                             String targetLocalDir,
                                             boolean reportErrorsInTopReport)
        Places into the outgoing payload the downloadable artifacts for an application.
        context - the admin command context for the command currently running
        app - the application of interest
        targetLocalDir - the client-specified local directory to receive the downloaded files
        reportErrorsInTopReport - whether to include error indications in the report's top-level