Class DFProgressObject

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    ProgressObjectImpl, ProgressObjectSink

    public abstract class DFProgressObject
    extends Object
    implements javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.status.ProgressObject
    This interface extends the JSR88 interface for providing deployment operations feedback and progress information. In particular, it allows to retrieve the complete JES deployment status object with all the phases information.
    Jerome Dochez
    • Constructor Detail

      • DFProgressObject

        public DFProgressObject()
    • Method Detail

      • getCompletedStatus

        public abstract DFDeploymentStatus getCompletedStatus()
        Once the progress object has reached a completed or failed state, this API will permit to retrieve the final status information for the deployment
        the deployment status
      • waitFor

        public DFDeploymentStatus waitFor()
        Waits for the operation which this progress object is monitoring to complete.
        the completed status