Class ServerConnectionEnvironment

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Cloneable, Map

    public final class ServerConnectionEnvironment
    extends HashMap
    This class defines the additional environment needed to connect to a particular application server deployment backend. For now, the properties supported are specific to jmx https connector. We will extend it to support jmx rmi connector when the jmx implementation is ready.
    Environment supported in this class are defined by the JMX connectors.
    Qingqing Ouyang
    See Also:
    com.sun.enterprise.admin.jmx.remote.DefaultConfiguration For example, to set a client trust manager, the key of env shall be DefaultConfiguration.TRUST_MANAGER_PROPERTY_NAME., Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • ServerConnectionEnvironment

        public ServerConnectionEnvironment()
        Creates a new instance of ServerConnectionEnvironment
      • ServerConnectionEnvironment

        public ServerConnectionEnvironment​(Map env)
        Creates a new instance of ServerConnectionEnvironment