Class DeploymentLifecycleProbeProvider

  • public class DeploymentLifecycleProbeProvider
    extends Object
    Provider interface for deployment lifecycle related probe events.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DeploymentLifecycleProbeProvider

        public DeploymentLifecycleProbeProvider()
    • Method Detail

      • applicationDeployedEvent

        public void applicationDeployedEvent​(String appName,
                                             String appType,
                                             String loadTime)
      • applicationUndeployedEvent

        public void applicationUndeployedEvent​(String appName,
                                               String appType)
        Emits probe event that the application with the given appName and appType has been undeployed.
        appName - the name of the application has been undeployed
        appType - the type of the application has been undeployed