Interface CommandRunner

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface CommandRunner
    GlassFish has a very sophisticated command line interface (CLI) viz., 'asadmin' to executive administrative commands.

    This is a programmatic interface equivalent to 'asadmin'.

    This interface allows the execution of the adminstrative commands from an application which embeds GlassFish.

    A command runner is obtained by calling GlassFish.getCommandRunner().

    A command runner is a per-lookup type object, which means each time GlassFish.getCommandRunner() is called, it returns a new instance of command runner. Command specific options are passed in the var-args argument of run(String, String...) method.

    [email protected]
    • Method Detail

      • run

        CommandResult run​(String command,
                          String... args)
        Execute an administrative command in GlassFish using the supplied command arguments. Refer to GlassFish Administration Guide to know about the commands supported in GlassFish and their usage.

        Example: To add an additional http listener 9090 :

    "create-http-listener", "--listenerport", "9090",
                                               "--listeneraddress", "",
                                               "--defaultvs", "server",
                                               "--securityenabled", "false",
                                               "listener_id", "my-http-listener-1");
        asadmin commands also allow option values to be specified using '=', so the above example can be written as:
    "create-http-listener", "--listenerport=9090",
        command - command to be executed.
        args - command arguments.
        CommandResult which encapsulates exit status, command output, failure cause (if any).
      • setTerse

        void setTerse​(boolean terse)
        Set the terse level. If true, output data is very concise and in a format that is optimized for use in programs instead of for reading by humans. Typically, descriptive text and detailed status messages are also omitted from the output data. Default is true.
        terse - true to get concise output, false otherwise.