Interface VirtualServer

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    PEVirtualServer, VirtualServer, VirtualServerFacade

    public interface VirtualServer
    Representation of a virtual server.

    Instances of VirtualServer may be in one of two states: stopped or started. Any requests mapped to a VirtualServer that was stopped will result in a response with a status code equal to jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse#SC_NOT_FOUND.

    See WebContainer for usage example.

    Rajiv Mordani, Jan Luehe
    • Method Detail

      • setID

        void setID​(String ID)
        Sets the id of this VirtualServer.
        ID - id of this VirtualServer.
      • getID

        String getID()
        Gets the id of this VirtualServer.
        the id of this VirtualServer
      • setDocRoot

        void setDocRoot​(File docRoot)
        Sets the docroot of this VirtualServer.
        docRoot - the docroot of this VirtualServer.
      • getDocRoot

        File getDocRoot()
        Gets the docroot of this VirtualServer.
        the docroot of this VirtualServer
      • getWebListeners

        Collection<WebListener> getWebListeners()
        Gets the collection of WebListener instances from which this VirtualServer receives requests.
        the collection of WebListener instances from which this VirtualServer receives requests.
      • addContext

        void addContext​(Context context,
                        String contextRoot)
                 throws ConfigException,
        Registers the given Context with this VirtualServer at the given context root.

        If this VirtualServer has already been started, the given context will be started as well.

        context - the Context to register
        contextRoot - the context root at which to register
        ConfigException - if a Context already exists at the given context root on this VirtualServer
        GlassFishException - if the given context fails to be started
      • removeContext

        void removeContext​(Context context)
                    throws GlassFishException
        Stops the given context and removes it from this VirtualServer.
        context - the Context to be stopped and removed
        GlassFishException - if an error occurs during the stopping or removal of the given context
      • getContext

        Context getContext​(String contextRoot)
        Finds the Context registered at the given context root.
        contextRoot - the context root whose Context to get
        the Context registered at the given context root, or null if no Context exists at the given context root
      • getContexts

        Collection<Context> getContexts()
        Gets the collection of Context instances registered with this VirtualServer.
        the (possibly empty) collection of Context instances registered with this VirtualServer
      • setConfig

        void setConfig​(VirtualServerConfig config)
                throws ConfigException
        Reconfigures this VirtualServer with the given configuration.

        In order for the given configuration to take effect, this VirtualServer may be stopped and restarted.

        config - the configuration to be applied
        ConfigException - if the configuration requires a restart, and this VirtualServer fails to be restarted
      • getConfig

        VirtualServerConfig getConfig()
        Gets the current configuration of this VirtualServer.
        the current configuration of this VirtualServer, or null if no special configuration was ever applied to this VirtualServer