Interface AdminAccessController

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface AdminAccessController
    Determines the behavior of administrative access to GlassFish v3. It should be enhanced to take into account Role-based Access Control. As of GlassFish v3, this takes care of authentication alone.
    केदार ([email protected])
    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Interface Description
      static class  AdminAccessController.Access
      Represents the possible types of access granted as the result of logging in as an admin user.
    • Method Detail

      • loginAsAdmin

        Subject loginAsAdmin​(String user,
                             String password,
                             String realm,
                             String originHost)
                      throws LoginException
        Authenticates the admin user by delegating to the underlying realm. The implementing classes should use the GlassFish security infrastructure constructs like LoginContextDriver. This method assumes that the realm infrastructure is available in both the configuration and runtime of the server.

        Like the name suggests the method also ensures that the admin group membership is satisfied.

        user - String representing the user name of the user doing an admin opearation
        password - String representing clear-text password of the user doing an admin operation
        realm - String representing the name of the admin realm for given server
        originHost - the host from which the request was sent
        Subject for an admin user
        LoginException - if the credentials do not authenticate
        RemoteAdminAccessException - if the request is remote but remote access is disabled
      • loginAsAdmin

        Subject loginAsAdmin​(org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.Request request)
                      throws LoginException
        Authenticates the admin user by delegating to the underlying realm. The implementing classes should use the GlassFish security infrastructure constructs like LoginContextDriver. This method assumes that the realm infrastructure is available in both the configuration and runtime of the server.

        This variant also logs the requester in as an admin if the specified Principal matches the Principal from the certificate in the truststore associated with the alias configured in the domain configuration. Typically, methods invoking this variant should pass the Principal associated with the request as reported by the secure transport and the value from the X-GlassFish-admin header (null if no such header exists).

        Subject for an admin user
        LoginException - if the credentials do not authenticate
        RemoteAdminAccessException - if the request is remote but remote access is disabled
      • loginAsAdmin

        Subject loginAsAdmin​(org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.Request request,
                             String hostname)
                      throws LoginException
        Authenticates the admin user by delegating to the underlying realm. The implementing classes should use the GlassFish security infrastructure constructs like LoginContextDriver. This method assumes that the realm infrastructure is available in both the configuration and runtime of the server.

        This variant also logs the requester in as an admin if the specified Principal matches the Principal from the certificate in the truststore associated with the alias configured in the domain configuration. Typically, methods invoking this variant should pass the Principal associated with the request as reported by the secure transport and the value from the X-GlassFish-admin header (null if no such header exists).

        hostname - the originating host
        Subject for an admin user
        LoginException - if the credentials do not authenticate
        RemoteAdminAccessException - if the request is remote but remote access is disabled