Class GenericSniffer

    • Field Detail

      • modulesRegistry

        protected com.sun.enterprise.module.ModulesRegistry modulesRegistry
      • habitat

        protected org.glassfish.hk2.api.ServiceLocator habitat
    • Constructor Detail

      • GenericSniffer

        public GenericSniffer​(String containerName,
                              String appStigma,
                              String urlPattern)
    • Method Detail

      • handles

        public boolean handles​(DeploymentContext context)
        Returns true if the passed file or directory is recognized by this composite sniffer.
        Specified by:
        handles in interface Sniffer
        context - deployment context
        true if the location is recognized by this sniffer
      • getAnnotationNames

        public String[] getAnnotationNames​(DeploymentContext context)
        Returns the list of annotation names that this sniffer is interested in. If an application bundle contains at least one class annotated with one of the returned annotations, the deployment process will not call the handles method but will invoke the containers deployers as if the handles method had been called and returned true.
        Specified by:
        getAnnotationNames in interface Sniffer
        context - deployment context
        list of annotations this sniffer is interested in or an empty array
      • handles

        public boolean handles​(ReadableArchive location)
        Returns true if the passed file or directory is recognized by this instance.
        Specified by:
        handles in interface Sniffer
        location - the file or directory to explore
        true if this sniffer handles this application type
      • getURLPatterns

        public String[] getURLPatterns()
        Returns the pattern to apply against the request URL If the pattern matches the URL, the service method of the associated container will be invoked
        Specified by:
        getURLPatterns in interface Sniffer
        pattern instance
      • getModuleType

        public String getModuleType()
        Returns the container name associated with this sniffer
        Specified by:
        getModuleType in interface Sniffer
        the container name
      • setup

        public com.sun.enterprise.module.HK2Module[] setup​(String containerHome,
                                                           Logger logger)
                                                    throws IOException
        Sets up the container libraries so that any imported bundle from the connector jar file will now be known to the module subsystem This method returns a ModuleDefinition for the module containing the core implementation of the container. That means that this module will be locked as long as there is at least one module loaded in the associated container.
        Specified by:
        setup in interface Sniffer
        containerHome - is where the container implementation resides (Not used anymore)
        logger - the logger to use
        the module definition of the core container implementation.
        IOException - exception if something goes sour
      • getContainerModuleNames

        protected String[] getContainerModuleNames()
      • tearDown

        public void tearDown()
        Tears down a container, remove all imported libraries from the module subsystem.
        Specified by:
        tearDown in interface Sniffer
      • getAnnotationTypes

        public Class<? extends Annotation>[] getAnnotationTypes()
        Returns the list of annotations types that this sniffer is interested in. If an application bundle contains at least one class annotated with one of the returned annotations, the deployment process will not call the handles method but will invoke the containers deployers as if the handles method had been called and returned true.
        Specified by:
        getAnnotationTypes in interface Sniffer
        list of annotations this sniffer is interested in.
      • isUserVisible

        public boolean isUserVisible()
        Specified by:
        isUserVisible in interface Sniffer
        whether this sniffer should be visible to user
      • isJavaEE

        public boolean isJavaEE()
        Specified by:
        isJavaEE in interface Sniffer
        whether this sniffer represents a Java EE container type
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • getDeploymentConfigurations

        public Map<String,​String> getDeploymentConfigurations​(ReadableArchive location)
                                                             throws IOException
        Returns a map of deployment configurations composed by reading from a list of paths in the readable archive. (For Java EE applications the deployment configurations correspond to the deployment descriptors.) The getDeploymentConfigurationPaths() method returns this list of paths which might exist in archives that this sniffer handles.

        In each returned map entry the key is a path and the value is the contents of the archive entry at that path. This method creates a map entry only if the path exists in the readable archive.

        Sniffers for applications that do not store their configurations as deployment descriptors at predictable paths within an archive are free to override this implementation to return whatever information is appropriate to that application type. A key usage of the returned Map is in the application type's GUI plug-in (if desired) to allow users to customize the deployment configuration after the application has been deployed. The concrete Sniffer implementation and the GUI plug-in must agree on the conventions for storing deployment configuration inforation in the Map.

        Specified by:
        getDeploymentConfigurations in interface Sniffer
        location - the readable archive for the application of interest
        a map from path names to the contents of the archive entries at those paths
        IOException - in case of errors retrieving an entry or reading the archive contents at an entry
      • getDeploymentConfigurationPaths

        protected List<String> getDeploymentConfigurationPaths()
        Returns a list of paths within an archive that represents deployment configuration files.

        Sniffers that recognize Java EE applications typically override this default implementation to return a list of the deployment descriptors that might appear in the type of Java EE application which the sniffer recognizes. For example, the WebSniffer implementation of this method returns WEB-INF/web.xml, WEB-INF/glassfish-web.xml, WEB-INF/payara-web.xml and WEB-INF/sun-web.xml.

        list of paths in the archive where deployment configuration archive entries might exist
      • getIncompatibleSnifferTypes

        public String[] getIncompatibleSnifferTypes()
        Specified by:
        getIncompatibleSnifferTypes in interface Sniffer
        the set of the sniffers that should not co-exist for the same module. For example, ejb and appclient sniffers should not be returned in the sniffer list for a certain module. This method will be used to validate and filter the retrieved sniffer lists for a certain module