Class ClusterReaderHelper

  • public class ClusterReaderHelper
    extends Object
    Impl class for ClusterReader. This provides loadbalancer data for a cluster.
    Kshitiz Saxena
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClusterReaderHelper

        public ClusterReaderHelper()
    • Method Detail

      • getWebModules

        public static WebModuleReader[] getWebModules​(Domain domain,
                                                      ApplicationRegistry appRegistry,
                                                      List<ApplicationRef> refs,
                                                      String target)
        Returns the web module readers for a set of application refs.
        _configCtx - Current Config context
        refs - Application ref(s) from cluster or stand alone instance
        target - Name of the cluster or stand alone instance
        WebModuleReader[] Array of the corresponding web module reader(s).
        LbReaderException - In case of any error(s).