Class SimpleRoleMappingProviderImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • SimpleRoleMappingProviderImpl

        public SimpleRoleMappingProviderImpl()
    • Method Detail

      • isUserInRole

        public boolean isUserInRole​(String appContext,
                                    AzSubject subject,
                                    AzResource resource,
                                    String role,
                                    AzEnvironment environment,
                                    List<AzAttributeResolver> resolvers)
        Description copied from interface: RoleMappingProvider
        Determine whether the user (AzSubject) has the indicated role for a given resource (AzResource) and application context.
        Specified by:
        isUserInRole in interface RoleMappingProvider
        appContext - The application context for the query (can be null).
        subject - The target Subject.
        resource - The URI resource for the query.
        role - The target role.
        environment - The attributes collection representing the environment.
        resolvers - The ordered list of attribute resolvers.