Class JspProbeProvider

  • public class JspProbeProvider
    extends Object
    Provider interface for JSP related probes.
    • Constructor Detail

      • JspProbeProvider

        public JspProbeProvider()
    • Method Detail

      • jspLoadedEvent

        public void jspLoadedEvent​(String jspUri,
                                   String appName,
                                   String hostName)
        Emits notification that a JSP has been accessed for the first time and its corresponding Servlet has been loaded and initialized.
        jspUri - The path (relative to the root of the application) to the JSP that was loaded
        appName - The name of the application to which the JSP belongs
        hostName - The name of the virtual server on which the application has been deployed
      • jspReloadedEvent

        public void jspReloadedEvent​(String jspUri,
                                     String appName,
                                     String hostName)
        Emits notification that a JSP whose source code has changed since it was first deployed has been accessed again and was recompiled, and its corresponding Servlet reloaded and reinitialized.
        jspUri - The path (relative to the root of the application) to the JSP that was reloaded
        appName - The name of the application to which the JSP belongs
        hostName - The name of the virtual server on which the application has been deployed
      • jspDestroyedEvent

        public void jspDestroyedEvent​(String jspUri,
                                      String appName,
                                      String hostName)
        Emits notification that a JSP is being destroyed, that is, the Servlet corresponding to the JSP is called at its destroy method either because the JSP is being reloaded or because the application to which the JSP belongs is being stopped (for example, as part of its undeployment).
        jspUri - The path (relative to the root of the application) to the JSP that was destroyed
        appName - The name of the application to which the JSP belongs
        hostName - The name of the virtual server on which the application has been deployed
      • jspErrorEvent

        public void jspErrorEvent​(String jspUri,
                                  String appName,
                                  String hostName)
        Emits notification that access to a JSP has resulted in an error.
        jspUri - The path (relative to the root of the application) to the JSP that produced the error
        appName - The name of the application to which the JSP belongs
        hostName - The name of the virtual server on which the application has been deployed