Class ValveNode

    • Field Detail

      • descriptor

        protected Valve descriptor
    • Constructor Detail

      • ValveNode

        public ValveNode()
    • Method Detail

      • writeDescriptor

        public Node writeDescriptor​(Node parent,
                                    String nodeName,
                                    Valve descriptor)
        Writes the descriptor class to a DOM tree and returns it
        writeDescriptor in class DeploymentDescriptorNode<Valve>
        parent - node for the DOM tree
        nodeName - node name
        descriptor - the descriptor to write
        the DOM tree top node
      • writeDescriptor

        public void writeDescriptor​(Node parent,
                                    String nodeName,
                                    Valve[] valves)
        write the descriptor class to a DOM tree and return it
        parent - node for the DOM tree
        node - name for the descriptor
        the - array of descriptors to write