Interface GlobalMessageListener

  • public interface GlobalMessageListener
    This interface permits implementors to register a global message listener which will be notified for all the web services requests and responses on installed and enabled Web Services. Each invocation will be notified through founr callbacks (preProcessRequest, processRequest, processResponse, postProcessResponse).
    Jerome Dochez
    • Method Detail

      • preProcessRequest

        String preProcessRequest​(Endpoint endpoint)
        Callback when a web service request entered the web service container and before any system processing is done.
        endpoint - is the endpoint the web service request is targeted to
        a message ID to trace the request in the subsequent callbacks or null if this invocation should not be traced further.
      • processRequest

        void processRequest​(String mid,
                            SOAPMessageContext ctx,
                            TransportInfo info)
        Callback when a 2.X web service request is about the be delivered to the Web Service Implementation Bean.
        mid - message ID returned by preProcessRequest call
        ctx - the jaxrpc message trace, transport dependent
      • processResponse

        void processResponse​(String mid,
                             SOAPMessageContext ctx)
        Callback when a 2.X web service response was returned by the Web Service Implementation Bean
        mid - message ID returned by the preProcessRequest call
        ctx - jaxrpc message trace, transport dependent.
      • postProcessResponse

        void postProcessResponse​(String mid,
                                 TransportInfo info)
        Callback when a web service response has finished being processed by the container and was sent back to the client
        mid - returned by the preProcessRequest call
        info - the response transport dependent information