Class MessageTraceImpl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class MessageTraceImpl
    extends Object
    implements MessageTrace
    An invocation trace contains the timestamp os a particular message invocation, the stringified SOAP request and response or the SOAP Faults if the invocation resulted in one.

    NOT THREAD SAFE: mutable instance variables

    Jerome Dochez
    • Constructor Detail

      • MessageTraceImpl

        public MessageTraceImpl()
        Creates a new instance of InvocationTrace
    • Method Detail

      • getMessage

        public String getMessage​(boolean includeHeaders)
        Return the SOAPMessage as a string including the SOAPHeaders or not
        Specified by:
        getMessage in interface MessageTrace
        includeHeaders - the soap headers.
        the soap message
      • setMessageContext

        public void setMessageContext​(SOAPMessageContext soapMessageCtx)
      • setEndpoint

        public void setEndpoint​(Endpoint source)
      • setTransportInfo

        public void setTransportInfo​(TransportInfo info)