Class GFLauncherException

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class GFLauncherException
    extends Exception
    The one and only type of Exception that will be thrown out of this package. I18N is wired in. If a String message is found in the resource bundle, it will use that String. If not, it will use the String itself.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • GFLauncherException

        public GFLauncherException​(String msg)
        msg - The message is either pointing at a I18N key in the resource bundle or will be treated as a plain string.
      • GFLauncherException

        public GFLauncherException​(String msg,
                                   Object... objs)
        msg - The message is either pointing at a I18N key in the resource bundle or will be treated as a plain string that will get formatted with objs.
        objs - Objects used for formatting the message.
      • GFLauncherException

        public GFLauncherException​(String msg,
                                   Throwable t)
        msg - The message is either pointing at a I18N key in the resource bundle or will be treated as a plain string.
        t - The causing Throwable.
      • GFLauncherException

        public GFLauncherException​(String msg,
                                   Throwable t,
                                   Object... objs)
        msg - The message is either pointing at a I18N key in the resource bundle or will be treated as a plain string that will get formatted with objs.
        t - The causing Throwable.
        objs - Objects used for formatting the message.
      • GFLauncherException

        public GFLauncherException​(Throwable t)
        t - The causing Throwable.