Package com.sun.enterprise.container.common.spi.util
Interface Summary Interface Description CallFlowAgent ComponentEnvManager ContainerUtil GlassFishInputStreamHandler A class that is used to restore state during deserializationGlassFishOutputStreamHandler A class to save state during Serialization.IndirectlySerializable An interface that allows Non-Serializable objects to be persisted.InjectionManager InjectionManager provides runtime resource injection (@Resource
, etc.) and generic callback (PostConstruct/PreDestroy) services.JavaEEContainerManager JavaEEIOUtils A contract that defines a set of methods to serialize / deserialze Java EE objects (even if they are not directly serializable).JavaEEObjectStreamHandler SerializableObjectFactory An interface that creates an Object that was serialized using IndirectlySerializable -
Class Summary Class Description InterceptorInfo JavaEEObjectInputStream JavaEEObjectOutputStream JavaEEObjectStreamFactory A Factory class for creating EJBObject input/output Stream -
Enum Summary Enum Description EntityManagerMethod EntityManagerQueryMethod -
Exception Summary Exception Description InjectionException Checked Exception from InjectionManager