Class InsnMultiDimArrayNew
- java.lang.Object
- com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.enhancer.classfile.Insn
- com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.enhancer.classfile.InsnMultiDimArrayNew
- All Implemented Interfaces:
public class InsnMultiDimArrayNew extends Insn
Special instruction form for the opc_multianewarray instruction
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.enhancer.classfile.Insn
Fields inherited from interface com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.enhancer.classfile.VMConstants
ACCAbstract, ACCFinal, ACCInterface, ACCNative, ACCPrivate, ACCProtected, ACCPublic, ACCStatic, ACCSuper, ACCSynchronized, ACCTransient, ACCVolatile, CONSTANTClass, CONSTANTDouble, CONSTANTFieldRef, CONSTANTFloat, CONSTANTInteger, CONSTANTInterfaceMethodRef, CONSTANTLong, CONSTANTMethodRef, CONSTANTNameAndType, CONSTANTString, CONSTANTUnicode, CONSTANTUtf8, opc_aaload, opc_aastore, opc_aconst_null, opc_aload, opc_aload_0, opc_aload_1, opc_aload_2, opc_aload_3, opc_anewarray, opc_areturn, opc_arraylength, opc_astore, opc_astore_0, opc_astore_1, opc_astore_2, opc_astore_3, opc_athrow, opc_baload, opc_bastore, opc_bipush, opc_caload, opc_castore, opc_checkcast, opc_d2f, opc_d2i, opc_d2l, opc_dadd, opc_daload, opc_dastore, opc_dcmpg, opc_dcmpl, opc_dconst_0, opc_dconst_1, opc_ddiv, opc_dload, opc_dload_0, opc_dload_1, opc_dload_2, opc_dload_3, opc_dmul, opc_dneg, opc_drem, opc_dreturn, opc_dstore, opc_dstore_0, opc_dstore_1, opc_dstore_2, opc_dstore_3, opc_dsub, opc_dup, opc_dup_x1, opc_dup_x2, opc_dup2, opc_dup2_x1, opc_dup2_x2, opc_f2d, opc_f2i, opc_f2l, opc_fadd, opc_faload, opc_fastore, opc_fcmpg, opc_fcmpl, opc_fconst_0, opc_fconst_1, opc_fconst_2, opc_fdiv, opc_fload, opc_fload_0, opc_fload_1, opc_fload_2, opc_fload_3, opc_fmul, opc_fneg, opc_frem, opc_freturn, opc_fstore, opc_fstore_0, opc_fstore_1, opc_fstore_2, opc_fstore_3, opc_fsub, opc_getfield, opc_getstatic, opc_goto, opc_goto_w, opc_i2b, opc_i2c, opc_i2d, opc_i2f, opc_i2l, opc_i2s, opc_iadd, opc_iaload, opc_iand, opc_iastore, opc_iconst_0, opc_iconst_1, opc_iconst_2, opc_iconst_3, opc_iconst_4, opc_iconst_5, opc_iconst_m1, opc_idiv, opc_if_acmpeq, opc_if_acmpne, opc_if_icmpeq, opc_if_icmpge, opc_if_icmpgt, opc_if_icmple, opc_if_icmplt, opc_if_icmpne, opc_ifeq, opc_ifge, opc_ifgt, opc_ifle, opc_iflt, opc_ifne, opc_ifnonnull, opc_ifnull, opc_iinc, opc_iload, opc_iload_0, opc_iload_1, opc_iload_2, opc_iload_3, opc_imul, opc_ineg, opc_instanceof, opc_invokeinterface, opc_invokespecial, opc_invokestatic, opc_invokevirtual, opc_ior, opc_irem, opc_ireturn, opc_ishl, opc_ishr, opc_istore, opc_istore_0, opc_istore_1, opc_istore_2, opc_istore_3, opc_isub, opc_iushr, opc_ixor, opc_jsr, opc_jsr_w, opc_l2d, opc_l2f, opc_l2i, opc_ladd, opc_laload, opc_land, opc_lastore, opc_lcmp, opc_lconst_0, opc_lconst_1, opc_ldc, opc_ldc_w, opc_ldc2_w, opc_ldiv, opc_lload, opc_lload_0, opc_lload_1, opc_lload_2, opc_lload_3, opc_lmul, opc_lneg, opc_lookupswitch, opc_lor, opc_lrem, opc_lreturn, opc_lshl, opc_lshr, opc_lstore, opc_lstore_0, opc_lstore_1, opc_lstore_2, opc_lstore_3, opc_lsub, opc_lushr, opc_lxor, opc_monitorenter, opc_monitorexit, opc_multianewarray, opc_new, opc_newarray, opc_nop, opc_pop, opc_pop2, opc_putfield, opc_putstatic, opc_ret, opc_return, opc_saload, opc_sastore, opc_sipush, opc_swap, opc_tableswitch, opc_wide, opc_xxxunusedxxx, T_BOOLEAN, T_BYTE, T_CHAR, T_DOUBLE, T_FLOAT, T_INT, T_LONG, T_SHORT, T_TWOWORD, T_UNKNOWN, T_WORD, TC_INTERFACE, TC_OBJECT, TC_STRING
Constructor Summary
Constructors Constructor Description InsnMultiDimArrayNew(ConstClass classOp, int nDimsOp)
Constructor for opc_multianewarray.
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Modifier and Type Method Description String
What are the types of the stack operands ?ConstClass
Return the array class being createdboolean
Does this instruction branch?boolean
Return the number of dimensions of the array class being createdint
How many words of stack operands does this instruction take?int
How many words of stack results does this instruction deposit?String
What are the types of the stack results?void
setArrayClass(ConstClass classOp)
Sets the array class being created
Constructor Detail
public InsnMultiDimArrayNew(ConstClass classOp, int nDimsOp)
Constructor for opc_multianewarray. classOp must be an array class nDimsOp must be > 0 and <= number of array dimensions for classOp
Method Detail
public boolean isSimpleLoad()
public int nStackArgs()
Description copied from class:Insn
How many words of stack operands does this instruction take?- Specified by:
in classInsn
public int nStackResults()
Description copied from class:Insn
How many words of stack results does this instruction deposit?- Specified by:
in classInsn
public String argTypes()
What are the types of the stack operands ?
public String resultTypes()
What are the types of the stack results?- Specified by:
in classInsn
public boolean branches()
Description copied from class:Insn
Does this instruction branch?
public ConstClass arrayClass()
Return the array class being created
public void setArrayClass(ConstClass classOp)
Sets the array class being created
public int nDims()
Return the number of dimensions of the array class being created