Interface Summary Interface Description ConnectionFactory FieldMapping FieldMapping inteface is information of a column element for external user.InstanceCallbacks A PersistenceCapable class that provides callback methods for life cycle events implements this interface.PersistenceCapable A class that can be managed by a JDO implementation.PersistenceManager PersistenceManager is the primary interface for JDO-aware application components.PersistenceManagerFactory Query The Query interface allows applications to obtain persistent instances from the data store.SpecialDBOperation SpecialDBOperation interface is defined for database specific operations.Transaction The JDO Transaction interface is a sub-interface of the PersistenceManager that deals with options and completion of transactions under user control. -
Class Summary Class Description JDOHelper An utility class for queryingPersistenceCapable
objects.SynchronizationManager This class allows for multiple instances to be called at transaction completion, which JDO does not currently provide. -
Exception Summary Exception Description JDOCanRetryException JDODataStoreException JDODuplicateObjectIdException JDODuplicateObjectIdException is thrown in case this PersistenceManager has another instance with the same Object Id in its cache.JDOException This is the root of all JDO Exceptions.JDOFatalDataStoreException JDOFatalException JDOFatalInternalException JDOFatalUserException JDOObjectNotFoundException JDOObjectNotFoundException is thrown instead of a more generic JDODataStoreException in case an internal or an external query returned 0 rows.JDOQueryException JDOUnsupportedOptionException JDOUserException