Package org.glassfish.admin.amx.base
Interface Summary Interface Description BulkAccess Bulk access to various JMX constructs.DomainRoot The top-level interface for an appserver domain.Ext "Ex" = extensions: any additional MBeans, especially those that are derivative and/or have other dependencies than amx-core.ListenerInfo Provide information about who's listening.MBeanTrackerMBean MBean providing server-side support for AMX eg for efficiency or other reasons.Pathnames The Pathnames MBean--utilities for working with pathnames and MBeans.Query Supports various types of queries to find MBeans in the AMX domain only; does not query all MBeans in all domains, only those in the AMX domain.Realms RuntimeRoot Sample Interface for a sample MBean , used as target for sample and test code.ServerRuntime Parent MBean for all add-on runtime MBeans (excluding monitoring and JSR 77) that are associated with a particular server.Singleton A marker interface which indicates that this MBean is one-of-a-kind *within its scope*.SystemInfo Provides information about the capabilities of the running server.Tools Useful informational tools.Utility Marker interface which indicates that this MBean is a utility object. -
Class Summary Class Description MBeanTracker Tracks the entire MBean parent/child hierarchy so that individual MBeans need not do so.UnprocessedConfigChange Note: this API is highly volatile and subject to change.