Package org.glassfish.admin.amx.util
Core AMX utilities.
Interface Summary Interface Description DebugOut DebugSink DebugState LineReader Reads a line, outputting an optional prompt first.Output The API that should be used to output from a Cmd running within the framework. -
Class Summary Class Description AMXDebug Internal debug facility.AMXDebug.WrapOutput Internal class which wraps the Output so that debug may be dynamically enabled or disabled without any users of the Output having to be aware of it.AMXDebugHelper Convenient wrapper aroundAMXDebug
.AMXLoggerInfo Logger information for the amx-core module.ArrayConversion Provides: - methods to convert arrays of primitive types to corresponding arrays of Object types - conversion to/from SetArrayUtil Provides: - utility to check for equalityClassUtil Provides a variety of useful utilities having to do with classes, types of objects, etc.CollectionUtil Various helper utilities for Collections.CompareUtil Provides a variety of useful utilities for comparing objects.DebugOutImpl DebugSinkImpl DebugState.Impl Convenience class when a simple implement is desired.EnumerationIterator Implements the Iterator interface over an EnumerationExceptionUtil Useful utilities for ExceptionsFeatureAvailability Central registry of available features for fine-grained dependency enforcement in a threaded environment.FileOutput Directs output to a file.FileUtils The API that should be used to output from a Cmd running within the framework.IteratorUtil LineReaderImpl Reads a line from the specified input stream, outputs the prompt to System.out.ListUtil MapUtil MonitoringDataUtil Utility to collect monitoring data from monitoring beans.ObjectUtil Provides a variety of useful utilities for computing hashCode().OutputIgnore Directs output to the "bit bucket".PrintMillis Useful for printing elapsed timings out.RegexUtil Useful utilities for regex handlingSetUtil Utilities for working with sets using JDK 1.5 generics.StringUtil Escapes/unescapes stringsThrowableMapper Maps a Throwable to another one in order to avoid the transfer of non-standard (proprietary) Exception types, which could result in ClassNotFoundException on remote clients.TimingDelta Central registry of timing values.TypeCast This utility class contains two types of methods: Methods to cast Collection/List/Set/Map/etc to a more strongly-typed generic type; Methods to verify the types of elements within the above.