BaseLegacyConfigurationUpgrade |
ConfigConfigBeanListener |
Listens for changes to the Config for the current server and adds an
index for the name ServerEnvironment.DEFAULT_INSTANCE_NAME to any objects
that are added.
Constants |
Shared constants for config-beans packages
CreationDecorator.NoDecoration |
Default implementation of a decorator that does nothing.
CrudResolver.DefaultResolver |
DefaultConfigUpgrade |
Upgrade service to add the default-config if it doesn't exist.
DeletionDecorator.NoDecoration |
DomainXml |
Locates and parses the portion of domain.xml that we care.
GenericCreateCommand |
Generic create command implementation.
GenericCrudCommand |
services pertinent to generic CRUD command implementations
GenericDeleteCommand |
Implementation of the generic delete command
GenericListCommand |
Generic list command implementation.
GlassFishConfigBean |
Translated view of a configured objects where values can be represented
with a @{xx.yy.zz} name to be translated using a property value translator.
GlassFishDocument |
plug our Dom implementation
GlassFishStubBean |
GrizzlyConfigSchemaMigrator |
HttpServicePropertiesUpgrade |
IntrospectionUtils |
PropertyResolver |
Utility for getting the value of a system-property of an instance, particularly
for an instance that is not the current running instance.
SystemPropertyUpgrade |
Upgrade service to add the new 3.1 system properties to the config elements
(except DAS config, server-config) in existing domain.xml:
Use the same prefix as the config's system property HTTP_LISTENER_PORT if it exists.
TargetAndNameBasedResolver |
TargetBasedResolver |
Resolver based on a supplied target parameter (with a possible default
TranslatedConfigView |
View that translate configured attributes containing properties like ${}
into system properties values.
TypeAndNameResolver |
Resolver based on type + name.
TypedChangeEvent |
Simple extension to java beans events to support notification for adding/removing indexed properties.
TypedVetoableChangeSupport |
Support class for sending vetoable events.
TypeResolver |
Resolver for an un-named type.