Class WebFragmentNode

    • Constructor Detail

      • WebFragmentNode

        public WebFragmentNode()
        Creates new WebBundleNode
    • Method Detail

      • registerBundle

        public String registerBundle​(Map publicIDToDTD)
        Register this node as a root node capable of loading entire DD files
        publicIDToDTD - is a mapping between xml Public-ID to DTD
        the doctype tag name
      • registerRuntimeBundle

        public Map<String,​Class<?>> registerRuntimeBundle​(Map<String,​String> publicIDToDTD,
                                                                Map<String,​List<Class<?>>> versionUpgrades)
        Description copied from interface: BundleNode
        Registers all appropriate runtime bundle nodes for this standard node into the map.

        The implementation class must add to the map one entry for each associated runtime descriptor node, with the entry key equal to the public ID of the runtime DTD and the value the system ID of the runtime DTD. The implementation must also return a map containing one entry for each associated runtime node, with the entry key equal to the top-level element name for the runtime descriptor and the entry value equal to the class of the runtime node.

        versionUpgrades - The list of upgrades from older versions to the latest schema
        map from top-level runtime descriptor element name to the corresponding runtime node class
      • getDispatchTable

        protected Map<String,​String> getDispatchTable()
        All sub-implementation of this class can use a dispatch table to map xml element to method name on the descriptor class for setting the element value.
        getDispatchTable in class AbstractBundleNode<WebFragmentDescriptor>
        the map with the element name as a key, the setter method as a value
      • getDocType

        public String getDocType()
        the DOCTYPE of the XML file
      • getSystemID

        public String getSystemID()
        the SystemID of the XML file
      • getSystemIDs

        public List<String> getSystemIDs()
        the list of SystemID of the XML schema supported