Class Generator

    • Field Detail

      • _logger

        protected static final Logger _logger
      • ejbClassSymbol

        protected String ejbClassSymbol
    • Constructor Detail

      • Generator

        public Generator()
    • Method Detail

      • getGeneratedClass

        public abstract String getGeneratedClass()
      • getPackageName

        protected String getPackageName​(String className)
        Get the package name from the class name.
        className - class name.
        the package name.
      • getBaseName

        protected String getBaseName​(String className)
      • printType

        protected String printType​(Class cls)
      • removeDups

        protected Method[] removeDups​(Method[] orig)
      • isEJBIntfMethod

        protected boolean isEJBIntfMethod​(Class ejbIntfClz,
                                          Method methodToCheck)
        Return true if method is on a jakarta.ejb.EJBObject/EJBLocalObject/ jakarta.ejb.EJBHome,jakarta.ejb.EJBLocalHome interface.