Class RemoteAdminCommand

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class RemoteAdminCommand
    extends Object
    Utility class for executing remote admin commands. Each instance of RemoteAdminCommand represents a particular remote command on a particular remote server accessed using particular credentials. The instance can be reused to execute the same command multiple times with different arguments.

    Arguments to the command are supplied using a ParameterMap passed to the executeCommand method. ParameterMap is a MultiMap where each key can have multiple values, although this class only supports a single value for each option. Operands for the command are stored as the option named "DEFAULT" and can have multiple values.

    Before a command can be executed, the metadata for the command (in the form of a CommandModel) is required. The getCommandModel method will fetch the metadata from the server, save it, and return it. If the CommandModel for a command is known independently (e.g., stored in a local cache, or known a priori), it can be set using the setCommandModel method. If the metadata isn't known when the exectureCommand method is called, it will fetch the metadata from the server before executing the command.

    Any files returned by the command will be stored in the current directory. The setFileOutputDirectory method can be used to control where returned files are saved.

    This implementation is now in retention period. All content was migrated to RemoteRestAdminCommand. This implementation will be removed just after all necessary changes and tests will be done.

    • Field Detail

      • output

        protected String output
      • port

        protected int port
      • secure

        protected boolean secure
      • password

        protected char[] password
      • logger

        protected Logger logger
      • scope

        protected String scope
      • authToken

        protected String authToken
      • prohibitDirectoryUploads

        protected boolean prohibitDirectoryUploads
    • Method Detail

      • setResponseFormatType

        public void setResponseFormatType​(String responseFormatType)
        Set the response type used in requests to the server. The response type is sent in the User-Agent HTTP header and tells the server what format of response to produce.
        responseFormatType - the user-agent to send. The default is hk2-agent
      • setUserOut

        public void setUserOut​(OutputStream userOut)
        If set, the raw response from the command is written to the specified stream.
        userOut - the OutputStream to write to
      • setCommandModel

        public void setCommandModel​(CommandModel commandModel)
        Set the CommandModel used by this command. Normally the CommandModel will be fetched from the server using the getCommandModel method, which will also save the CommandModel for further use. If the CommandModel is known in advance, it can be set with this method and avoid the call to the server.
      • setReadTimeout

        public void setReadTimeout​(int readTimeout)
        Set the read timeout for the URLConnection.
        readTimeout - the timeout in millisedonds
      • getReadTimeout

        public static int getReadTimeout()
      • setConnectTimeout

        public void setConnectTimeout​(int connectTimeout)
        Set the connect timeout for the URLConnection.
        connectTimeout - the timeout in milliseconds
      • setInteractive

        public void setInteractive​(boolean state)
        Set the interactive mode for the command. By default, the command is interactive.
        state - whether the command is interactive
      • setOmitCache

        public void setOmitCache​(boolean omitCache)
        Omit local AdminCache to process command metadata.
        omitCache - If true it will download the metadata from remote server.
        Default value is false
      • getCommandModel

        public CommandModel getCommandModel()
                                     throws CommandException
        Get the CommandModel for the command from the server. If the CommandModel hasn't been set, it's fetched from the server.
        the model for the command
        CommandException - if the server can't be contacted
      • isCommandModelFromCache

        public boolean isCommandModelFromCache()
        If command model was load from local cache.
        true if it was from cache, false otherwise
      • setFileOutputDirectory

        public void setFileOutputDirectory​(File dir)
        Set the directory in which any returned files will be stored. The default is the user's home directory.
        dir -
      • headers

        public List<Header> headers()
        Return a modifiable list of headers to be added to the request.
      • getAttributes

        public Map<String,​String> getAttributes()
        After a successful command execution, the attributes returned by the command are saved. This method returns those saved attributes.
      • updateAuthentication

        protected boolean updateAuthentication()
        Return true if we're successful in collecting new information (and thus the caller should try the request again). Subclasses can override to (e.g.) collect updated authentication information by prompting the user. The implementation in this class returns false, indicating that the authentication information was not updated.
        true if successful, false otherwise
      • getFromEnvironment

        protected String getFromEnvironment​(String name)
        Subclasses can override to supply parameter values from environment. The implementation in this class returns null, indicating that the name is not available in the environment.
      • retryUsingSecureConnection

        protected boolean retryUsingSecureConnection​(String host,
                                                     int port)
        Called when a non-secure connection attempt fails and it appears that the server requires a secure connection. Subclasses can override to indicate that the connection should The implementation in this class returns false, indicating that the connection should not be retried.
        host - Host to say we are retrying on
        port - Port to say we are retrying on
        true if the the connection should be retried
      • reportAuthenticationException

        protected String reportAuthenticationException()
        Return the error message to be used in the AuthenticationException. Subclasses can override to provide a more detailed message, for example, indicating the source of the password that failed. The implementation in this class returns a default error message.
      • getCommandURI

        protected StringBuilder getCommandURI()
        Get the URI for executing the command.
        The URI. This will be in the form of /__asadmin/name?
      • getHttpConnectorAddress

        protected HttpConnectorAddress getHttpConnectorAddress​(String host,
                                                               int port,
                                                               boolean shouldUseSecure)
        Provides an HttpConnectorAddress for use in connecting to the desired admin listener.

        This implementation works for true admin clients and will not work correctly for commands submitted to instances from inside the DAS. (That is done from the implementation in ServerRemoteAdminCommand which extends this class.)

        This code constructs the HttpConnectorAddress in a way that uses either no SSLSocketFactory (if security is off) or uses an SSLSocketFactory linked to the asadmin truststore.

        host - the host name to which the connection should be made
        port - the admin port on that host
        shouldUseSecure - whether SSL should be used to connect or not
      • addAdditionalHeaders

        protected void addAdditionalHeaders​(URLConnection urlConnection)
        Adds any headers needed for the current environment to the admin request.
        urlConnection -
      • processHeaders

        protected void processHeaders​(URLConnection urlConnection)
        Process any headers needed from the reply to the admin request. Subclasses can override this method to handle processing headers in the command's reply.
        urlConnection -
      • getUsage

        public String getUsage()
        Get the usage text. If we got usage information from the server, use it.
        usage text
      • getCanonicalHost

        protected String getCanonicalHost()