Interface SecureAdminHelper

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface SecureAdminHelper
    Definition of some utility behavior that needs to be invoked from config classes in admin/config-api but implemented elsewhere (in a module with dependencies that we do not want to add to admin/config-api).
    Tim Quinn
    • Method Detail

      • validateInternalUsernameAndPasswordAlias

        void validateInternalUsernameAndPasswordAlias​(String username,
                                                      String passwordAlias)
        Makes sure that the specified username is an admin user and that the specified password alias exists. Note that implementations of this method should not make sure that the username and the password pointed to by the alias actually match a valid admin user in the admin realm. That check is done by the normal authorization logic when the username and the actual password are used.
        username -
        passwordAlias -
        Exception - if eiher the username or the password alias is not valid
      • isAnyAdminUserWithoutPassword

        boolean isAnyAdminUserWithoutPassword()
                                       throws Exception
        Reports whether any admin user exists which has an empty password.
        true if any admin user exists with an empty password; false otherwise