Class EjbComponentAnnotationScanner

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class EjbComponentAnnotationScanner
    extends Object
    implements AnnotationScanner
    This class contains the following annotation type: jakarta.ejb.Stateless jakarta.ejb.Stateful jakarta.ejb.MessageDriven
    Qingqing Ouyang
    • Constructor Detail

      • EjbComponentAnnotationScanner

        public EjbComponentAnnotationScanner()
        Creates a new instance of DefaultAnnotationScanner
    • Method Detail

      • isAnnotation

        public boolean isAnnotation​(String value)
        Test if the passed constant pool string is a reference to a Type.TYPE annotation of a J2EE component
        Specified by:
        isAnnotation in interface AnnotationScanner
        true if it is a J2EE annotation reference
      • getAnnotations

        public Set<String> getAnnotations()
        Description copied from interface: AnnotationScanner
        Returns a list of FQCN of annotations we are interested in.
        Specified by:
        getAnnotations in interface AnnotationScanner
        a list of fully qualified class name list of annotations.