Class MessageDescriptor

    • Constructor Detail

      • MessageDescriptor

        public MessageDescriptor()
    • Method Detail

      • setOperationName

        public void setOperationName​(String operationName)
      • getOperationName

        public String getOperationName()
      • setMethodDescriptor

        public void setMethodDescriptor​(MethodDescriptor methodDescriptor)
      • setServiceRefPortInfo

        public void setServiceRefPortInfo​(ServiceRefPortInfo portInfo)
      • setWebServiceEndpoint

        public void setWebServiceEndpoint​(WebServiceEndpoint endPoint)
      • setBundleDescriptor

        public void setBundleDescriptor​(BundleDescriptor bundleDesc)
      • getAllDefinedMethodsInMessage

        public List<MethodDescriptor> getAllDefinedMethodsInMessage()
        Return all methods defined in this message. In the case of an empty message, it will return all methods defined in the SEI. In the case of methods overloading, it will return all methods defined in the SEI that match with the specified method name. In the case of DII, i.e the client doesn't have the SEI info, it will return an empty list for client side defined message.