Interface EjbReference

    • Method Detail

      • getType

        String getType()
        Get the type of the EJB (Session, Entity or Message-Driven).
        the type of the EJB.
      • setType

        void setType​(String type)
        Set the type of the EJB. Allowed values are Session, Entity or Message-driven.
        the - type of the EJB.
      • getHomeClassName

        String getHomeClassName()
        Gets the home classname of the referee EJB.
        the class name of the EJB home.
      • setHomeClassName

        void setHomeClassName​(String homeClassName)
        Sets the home classname of the referee EJB.
        the - class name of the EJB home.
      • getBeanClassName

        String getBeanClassName()
        Gets the bean instance interface classname of the referee EJB.
        the classname of the EJB remote object.
      • setBeanClassName

        void setBeanClassName​(String beanClassName)
        Sets the bean interface classname of the referee EJB.
        the - classname of the EJB remote object.
      • getLinkName

        String getLinkName()
        Gets the link name of the reference. For use when linking to an EJB within a J2EE application.
        the link name.
      • setLinkName

        void setLinkName​(String linkName)
        Sets the link name of the reference. For use when linking to an EJB within a J2EE application.
        the - link name.
      • isLocal

        boolean isLocal()
        Tests if the reference to the referree EJB is through local or remote interface
        true if using the local interfaces
      • setLocal

        void setLocal​(boolean isLocal)
        Sets whether the reference uses the local or remote interfaces of the referring EJB
        true - if using the local interface
      • setReferringBundleDescriptor

        void setReferringBundleDescriptor​(BundleDescriptor referringBundle)
        Set the referring bundle, i.e. the bundle within which this EJB reference is declared.
      • getReferringBundleDescriptor

        BundleDescriptor getReferringBundleDescriptor()
        Get the referring bundle, i.e. the bundle within which this EJB reference is declared.