Class BaseAuditModule

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class BaseAuditModule
    extends Object
    Base class that should be extended by all classes that wish to provide their own Audit support.
    Harpreet Singh
    • Constructor Detail

      • BaseAuditModule

        public BaseAuditModule()
    • Method Detail

      • init

        public void init​(Properties props)
        Method is invoked at server startup, during AuditModule initialization. If method returns without any exception then Payara assumes that the module is ready to serve any requests.
        props - the properties for the AuditModule. These properties are defined in the domain.xml
      • authentication

        public void authentication​(String user,
                                   String realm,
                                   boolean success)
        Invoked post authentication request for a user in a given realm
        user - username for whom the authentication request was made
        realm - the realm name under which the user is authenticated.
        success - the status of the authentication
      • serverStarted

        public void serverStarted()
        Invoked upon completion of the server startup
      • serverShutdown

        public void serverShutdown()
        Invoked upon completion of the server shutdown