Class SecurityConfigListener

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    org.glassfish.hk2.api.PostConstruct, ConfigListener

    public class SecurityConfigListener
    extends Object
    implements ConfigListener, org.glassfish.hk2.api.PostConstruct
    • Constructor Detail

      • SecurityConfigListener

        public SecurityConfigListener()
    • Method Detail

      • changed

        public UnprocessedChangeEvents changed​(PropertyChangeEvent[] events)
        Notification that @Configured objects that were injected have changed
        Specified by:
        changed in interface ConfigListener
        events - list of changes
        the list of unprocessed events (requiring a restart) or null if all reconfiguration was processed successfully
      • authRealmCreated

        public static void authRealmCreated​(AuthRealm instance)
        New auth realm created. It is called whenever a AuthRealmEvent with action of AuthRealmEvent.ACTION_CREATE is received.
        AdminEventListenerException - when the listener is unable to process the event.
      • authRealmCreated

        public static void authRealmCreated​(Config config,
                                            AuthRealm instance)
        New auth realm created. It is called whenever a AuthRealmEvent with action of AuthRealmEvent.ACTION_CREATE is received.
        AdminEventListenerException - when the listener is unable to process the event.
      • authRealmDeleted

        public static void authRealmDeleted​(Config config,
                                            AuthRealm instance)
        Auth realm deleted. It is called whenever a AuthRealmEvent with action of AuthRealmEvent.ACTION_DELETE is received.
        AdminEventListenerException - when the listener is unable to process the event.
      • authRealmDeleted

        public static void authRealmDeleted​(AuthRealm instance)
        Auth realm deleted. It is called whenever a AuthRealmEvent with action of AuthRealmEvent.ACTION_DELETE is received.
        AdminEventListenerException - when the listener is unable to process the event.
      • authRealmUpdated

        public void authRealmUpdated​(AuthRealm instance)
        Auth realm updated (attributes change). It is called whenever a AuthRealmEvent with action of AuthRealmEvent.ACTION_UPDATE is received.
        AdminEventListenerException - when the listener is unable to process the event.
      • authRealmUpdated

        public void authRealmUpdated​(Config config,
                                     AuthRealm instance)
        Auth realm updated (attributes change). It is called whenever a AuthRealmEvent with action of AuthRealmEvent.ACTION_UPDATE is received.
        AdminEventListenerException - when the listener is unable to process the event.
      • postConstruct

        public void postConstruct()
        Specified by:
        postConstruct in interface org.glassfish.hk2.api.PostConstruct
      • auditModuleCreated

        public void auditModuleCreated​(AuditModule instance)
        New audit module created. It is called whenever a AuditModuleEvent with action of AuditModuleEvent.ACTION_CREATE is received.
      • auditModuleDeleted

        public void auditModuleDeleted​(AuditModule instance)
        Audit module deleted. It is called whenever a AuditModuleEvent with action of AuditModuleEvent.ACTION_DELETE is received.
      • auditModuleUpdated

        public void auditModuleUpdated​(AuditModule instance)
        Audit module updated (attributes change). It is called whenever a AuditModuleEvent with action of AuditModuleEvent.ACTION_UPDATE is received.