Interface TransactionService

    • Method Detail

      • getAutomaticRecovery

        String getAutomaticRecovery()
        Gets the value of the automaticRecovery property. If true, server instance attempts recovery at restart
        possible object is String
      • getTimeoutInSeconds

        String getTimeoutInSeconds()
        Gets the value of the timeoutInSeconds property. amount of time the transaction manager waits for response from a datasource participating in transaction. A value of 0 implies infinite timeout
        possible object is String
      • getTxLogDir

        String getTxLogDir()
        Gets the value of the txLogDir property. Transaction service creates a sub directory 'tx' under tx-log-dir to store the transaction logs. The default value of the tx-log-dir is $INSTANCE-ROOT/logs. If this attribute is not explicitly specified in the element, 'tx' sub directory will be created under the path specified in log-root attribute of element.
        possible object is String
      • getHeuristicDecision

        String getHeuristicDecision()
        Gets the value of the heuristicDecision property. During recovery, if outcome of a transaction cannot be determined from the logs, then this property is used to fix the outcome
        possible object is String
      • getRetryTimeoutInSeconds

        String getRetryTimeoutInSeconds()
        Gets the value of the retryTimeoutInSeconds property. Used to determine the retry time in the following scenarios. 1 Time to wait at the transaction recovery time, when resources are unreachable. 2 If there are any transient exceptions in the second phase of the two PC protocol. A negative value indicates infinite retry. '0' indicates no retry. A positive value indicates the number of seconds for which retry will be attempted. Default is 10 minutes which may be appropriate for a database being restarted
        possible object is String
      • getKeypointInterval

        String getKeypointInterval()
        Gets the value of the keypointInterval property. property used to specify the number of transactions between keypoint operations on the log. A Keypoint operations could reduce the size of the transaction log files. A larger value for this property (for example, 1000) will result in larger transaction log files, between log compactions, but less keypoint operations, and potentially better performance. A smaller value (e.g. 20) results in smaller log files but slightly reduced performance due to the greater frequency of keypoint operations.
        possible object is String