Class WebModuleConfig

  • public class WebModuleConfig
    extends Object
    Represents the configuration parameters required in order to create and install a web module (web application) into the server runtime.
    • Constructor Detail

      • WebModuleConfig

        public WebModuleConfig()
    • Method Detail

      • getAppClassLoader

        public ClassLoader getAppClassLoader()
      • setAppClassLoader

        public void setAppClassLoader​(ClassLoader _appClassLoader)
      • setBean

        public void setBean​(Application wmBean)
        Set the elements of information specified in the web-module element in server.xml.
      • getBean

        public Application getBean()
        Return the configuration information specified in server.xml.
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Return the name of the web application (as specified in server.xml)
      • getContextPath

        public String getContextPath()
        Return the context path at which the web application is deployed.
      • setLocation

        public void setLocation​(File sourceDir)
        Set the directory in which the web application is deployed.
      • getLocation

        public File getLocation()
        Return the directory in which the web application is deployed.
      • getVirtualServers

        public String getVirtualServers()
        Return the list of virtual servers to which the web application is deployed.
      • setVirtualServers

        public void setVirtualServers​(String virtualServers)
        Return the list of virtual servers to which the web application is deployed.
      • setParentLoader

        public void setParentLoader​(ClassLoader parentLoader)
        Set the parent classloader for the web application.
      • getParentLoader

        public ClassLoader getParentLoader()
        Return the parent classloader for the web application.
      • setDeploymentContext

        public void setDeploymentContext​(DeploymentContext deploymentContext)
        Sets the deployment context for this web application.
      • getDeploymentContext

        public DeploymentContext getDeploymentContext()
        Gets the deployment context of this web application.
      • setWorkDir

        public void setWorkDir​(String workDir)
        Sets the work directory for this web application.
      • getWorkDir

        public String getWorkDir()
        Gets the work directory for this web application. The work directory is either generated/jsp/$appID/$moduleID or generated/jsp/$moduleID
      • getStubPath

        public String getStubPath()
        Gets the stub path of this web application.
        Stub path of this web application
      • setWorkDirBase

        public void setWorkDirBase​(String baseDir)
        Sets the parent of the work directory for this web application. The actual work directory is a subdirectory named after the web application.
        baseDir - The new base directory under which the actual work directory will be created
      • setStubBaseDir

        public void setStubBaseDir​(String stubBaseDir)
        Sets the base directory of this web application's stub path.
        stubBaseDir - Stub path
      • getDescriptor

        public WebBundleDescriptorImpl getDescriptor()
        Return the object representation of the deployment descriptor specified for the web application.
      • setDescriptor

        public void setDescriptor​(WebBundleDescriptorImpl wbd)
        Set the deployment descriptor object describing the contents of the web application.
        wbd - The deployment descriptor object
      • getObjectType

        public String getObjectType()
        Return the objectType property
      • setObjectType

        public void setObjectType​(String objectType)
        Set the objectType property.
        objectType - objectType property
      • isSystemObjectType

        public boolean isSystemObjectType()
        true if getObjectType() starts with system-