Annotation Type DeployPreviousApplicationsRunLevel

  • @Retention(RUNTIME)
    public @interface DeployPreviousApplicationsRunLevel
    Startup level for deploying applications that have previously been deployed. This is for services that need to startup after the typical set of dependent services have booted, after any required configuration has been done via post-boot commands, after any resources and applications specified for deployment via post-boot commands have deployed, but before autodeploying applications (e.g. applications in the autodeploy directory, or the admin console). Most prominent use case for this startup level is for applications that have previously been deployed, and are thus already registered in the domain.xml. We want this to happen after the post-boot phase so that the server and any resource adaptors can be potentially reconfigured via post-boot commands before they are loaded.
    Andrew Pielage
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Fields Description
      static int VAL  
    • Field Detail

      • VAL

        static final int VAL