Class JMXMonitoringFormatter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class JMXMonitoringFormatter
    extends Object
    implements Runnable
    The runnable class which gathers JMX monitoring info from a list of JMXMonitoringJob objects and builds a log string from it.
    • Constructor Detail

      • JMXMonitoringFormatter

        public JMXMonitoringFormatter​(MBeanServer mBeanServer,
                                      List<JMXMonitoringJob> jobs,
                                      JMXMonitoringService monitoringService,
                                      org.glassfish.hk2.api.messaging.Topic<PayaraNotification> notificationEventBus,
                                      PayaraNotificationFactory notificationFactory,
                                      Collection<String> enabledNotifiers)
        Constructor for the JMXMonitoringFormatter class.
        mBeanServer - The MBeanServer to monitor.
        jobs - List of monitoring jobs to perform.
        monitoringService - the monitoring service
        store - the store that holds the various event factories that are needed to build notification events
        notificationService - the notification service containing all the notifiers
    • Method Detail

      • run

        public void run()
        Class runnable method. Calls getJMXMonitoringInfo on all JMXMonitoringJobs passing the MBeanServer. Uses the results to build a String for the log message.
        Specified by:
        run in interface Runnable