Interface JobManager

  • @Contract
    public interface JobManager
    This is the contract for the JobManagerService The JobManager will be responsible for 1. generating unique ids for jobs 2. serving as a registry for jobs 3. creating thread pools for jobs 4.removing expired jobs
    Martin Mares, Bhakti Mehta
    • Method Detail

      • getNewId

        String getNewId()
        This method is used to generate a unique id for a managed job
        returns a new id for the job
      • getJobs

        Iterator<Job> getJobs()
        This method will return the list of jobs in the job registry
        list of jobs
      • get

        Job get​(String id)
        This method is used to get a job by its id
        id - The id to look up the job in the job registry
        the Job
      • purgeJob

        void purgeJob​(String id)
        This will purge the job associated with the id from the registry
        id - the id of the Job which needs to be purged
      • getCompletedJobs

        JobInfos getCompletedJobs​(File jobs)
        This will get the list of jobs from the job registry which have completed
        the details of all completed jobs using JobInfos
      • getCompletedJobForId

        Object getCompletedJobForId​(String id)
        This is a convenience method to get a completed job with an id
        id - the completed Job whose id needs to be looked up
        the completed Job
      • purgeCompletedJobForId

        Object purgeCompletedJobForId​(String id)
        This is used to purge a completed job whose id is provided
        id - the id of the Job which needs to be purged
        the new list of completed jobs
      • getJobsFile

        File getJobsFile()
        This is used to get the jobs file for a job
        the location of the job file