Class Loggable

  • public class Loggable
    extends Object
    Loggable objects are used when there is a need to collect log entry data without actually logging the message until a later time. Type casting is weak for the log parameters provided when constructing. The user must ensure that the arguments associated with a particular log message are of the appropriate type and in the correct order.
    • Method Detail

      • log

        public String log()
        Log the message.
      • getMessageBody

        public String getMessageBody()
        Gets the contents of the message body without appending a stack trace. This is particularly useful when using the value of a loggables message as the value when creating an exception.
      • getMessage

        public String getMessage()
        Get the message in current locale with [subsytem:id] prefix.
      • getMessageText

        public String getMessageText()
        Get the message in current locale, no prefix.
      • getId

        public String getId()
        Get the message id.