Class ServletProbeProvider

  • public class ServletProbeProvider
    extends Object
    Provider interface for servlet related probes.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ServletProbeProvider

        public ServletProbeProvider()
    • Method Detail

      • servletInitializedEvent

        public void servletInitializedEvent​(String servletName,
                                            String appName,
                                            String hostName)
        Emits notification that a servlet has been initialized.
        servletName - the name of the servlet that was initialized
        appName - the name of the app to which the servlet belongs
        hostName - the name of the virtual server on which the app has been deployed
      • servletDestroyedEvent

        public void servletDestroyedEvent​(String servletName,
                                          String appName,
                                          String hostName)
        Emits notification that a servlet has been destroyed.
        servletName - the name of the servlet that was destroyed
        appName - the name of the app to which the servlet belongs
        hostName - the name of the virtual server on which the app has been deployed
      • beforeServiceEvent

        public void beforeServiceEvent​(String servletName,
                                       String appName,
                                       String hostName)
        Emits notification that a servlet is about to enter its service method.
        servletName - the name of the servlet
        appName - the name of the app to which the servlet belongs
        hostName - the name of the virtual server on which the app has been deployed
      • afterServiceEvent

        public void afterServiceEvent​(String servletName,
                                      int responseStatus,
                                      String appName,
                                      String hostName)
        Emits notification that a servlet has returned from its service method.
        servletName - the name of the servlet
        responseStatus - the response status
        appName - the name of the app to which the servlet belongs
        hostName - the name of the virtual server on which the app has been deployed