Package com.sun.ejb

Interface Container

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    AbstractSingletonContainer, BaseContainer, BMCSingletonContainer, CMCSingletonContainer, CommitCEntityContainer, EntityContainer, MessageBeanContainer, ReadOnlyBeanContainer, StatefulSessionContainer, StatelessSessionContainer

    public interface Container
    A Container stores EJB instances and is responsible for the lifecycle, state management, concurrency, transactions, security, naming, resource management, etc. It does the above by interposing actions before and after invocations on EJBs. It uses the ProtocolManager, SecurityManager, TransactionManager, NamingManager for help with the above responsibilities. There are four types of Containers: StatefulSessionContainer, StatelessSessionContainer, EntityContainer, and MessageBeanContainer. Note: the term "Container" here refers to an instance of one of the above container classes. In the EJB spec "container" refers to a process or JVM which hosts EJB instances.

    There is one instance of the Container for each EJB type (deployment desc). When a JAR is deployed on the EJB server, a Container instance is created for each EJB declared in the ejb-jar.xml for the EJB JAR.

    The Container interface provides methods called from other parts of the RI as well as from generated EJBHome/EJBObject implementations.

    • Method Detail

      • getTargetObject

        Remote getTargetObject​(byte[] instanceKey,
                               String remoteBusinessIntf)
        Return the EJBObject/EJBHome for the given instanceKey.
        remoteBusinessIntf - True if this invocation is for the RemoteHome view of the bean. False if for the RemoteBusiness view. Called from the ProtocolManager when a remote invocation arrives.
      • releaseTargetObject

        void releaseTargetObject​(Remote remoteObj)
        Release the EJBObject/EJBHome object. Called from the ProtocolManager after a remote invocation completes.
      • externalPreInvoke

        void externalPreInvoke()
        Performs pre external invocation setup such as setting application context class loader. Called by getTargetObject() and web service inv
      • externalPostInvoke

        void externalPostInvoke()
        Performs post external invocation cleanup such as restoring the original class loader. Called by releaseTargetObject() and web service inv
      • getEJBObjectForPrimaryKey

        jakarta.ejb.EJBObject getEJBObjectForPrimaryKey​(Object pkey)
        Obtain an Entity EJBObject corresponding to the primary key. Used by the PersistenceManager.
      • getEJBLocalObjectForPrimaryKey

        jakarta.ejb.EJBLocalObject getEJBLocalObjectForPrimaryKey​(Object pkey,
                                                                  jakarta.ejb.EJBContext ctx)
        Obtain an Entity EJBLocalObject corresponding to the primary key. Used by the PersistenceManager.
      • getEJBLocalObjectForPrimaryKey

        jakarta.ejb.EJBLocalObject getEJBLocalObjectForPrimaryKey​(Object pkey)
      • assertValidLocalObject

        void assertValidLocalObject​(Object o)
                             throws jakarta.ejb.EJBException
        Verify that a given object is an EJBLocalObject of an ejb from this ejb container. The given object must be an EJBLocalObject and have the same ejb type ( meaning same ejb-jar and same ejb-name ) as this container. Note that for entity beans this equality check is independent of primary key.
        jakarta.ejb.EJBException - Thrown when the assertion fails.
      • assertValidRemoteObject

        void assertValidRemoteObject​(Object o)
                              throws jakarta.ejb.EJBException
        Verify that a given object is an EJBObject of an ejb from this ejb container. The given object must be an EJBObject and have the same ejb type ( meaning same ejb-jar and same ejb-name ) as this container. Note that for entity beans this equality check is independent of primary key.
        jakarta.ejb.EJBException - Thrown when the assertion fails.
      • removeBeanUnchecked

        void removeBeanUnchecked​(jakarta.ejb.EJBLocalObject bean)
        Remove a bean. Used by the PersistenceManager.
      • removeBeanUnchecked

        void removeBeanUnchecked​(Object pkey)
        Remove a bean given primary key. Used by the PersistenceManager.
      • preSelect

        void preSelect()
                throws jakarta.ejb.EJBException
        Notification from persistence manager than an ejbSelect query is about to be invoked on a bean of the ejb type for this container. This allows the ejb container to perform the same set of actions as take place before a finder method, such as calling ejbStore on bean instances. (See EJB 2.1, Section 10.5.3 ejbFind,ejbStore)
        jakarta.ejb.EJBException - Thrown if an error occurs during the preSelect actions performed by the container. If thrown, the remaining select query steps should be aborted and an EJBException should be propagated back to the application code.
      • preInvoke

        void preInvoke​(EjbInvocation inv)
        Called by the EJB(Local)Object/EJB(Local)Home before an invocation on a bean.
      • postInvoke

        void postInvoke​(EjbInvocation inv)
        Called by the EJB(Local)Object/EJB(Local)Home after an invocation on a bean.
      • webServicePostInvoke

        void webServicePostInvoke​(EjbInvocation inv)
        Called by webservice code to do ejb invocation post processing.
      • initialize

        default void initialize()
        Called after creation when Hazelcast is available
      • postCreate

        void postCreate​(EjbInvocation inv,
                        Object primaryKey)
                 throws jakarta.ejb.CreateException
        Called by the EJB(Local)Home after invoking ejbCreate on an EntityBean. After this postCreate the EJB(Local)Home can call ejbPostCreate on the EntityBean.
        primaryKey - the value returned from ejbCreate.
      • postFind

        Object postFind​(EjbInvocation inv,
                        Object primaryKeys,
                        Object[] findParams)
                 throws jakarta.ejb.FinderException
        Called by the EJB(Local)Home after invoking ejbFind* on an EntityBean.
        primaryKeys - the primaryKey or collection of primaryKeys (Collection/Enumeration) returned from ejbFind.
        findParams - the parameters to the ejbFind method.
        an EJBObject reference or Collection/Enumeration of EJBObjects.
      • getEjbDescriptor

        EjbDescriptor getEjbDescriptor()
        the EjbDescriptor containing deployment information for the EJB type corresponding to this Container instance.
      • getEJBMetaData

        jakarta.ejb.EJBMetaData getEJBMetaData()
        the MetaData for this EJB type.
      • getClassLoader

        ClassLoader getClassLoader()
        the classloader of this container instance.
      • getEJBHome

        jakarta.ejb.EJBHome getEJBHome()
        the EJBHome object reference for this container instance.
      • getSecurityManager

        SecurityManager getSecurityManager()
        A SecurityManager object for this container.
      • userTransactionMethodsAllowed

        boolean userTransactionMethodsAllowed​(ComponentInvocation inv)
        EJB spec makes a distinction between access to the UserTransaction object itself and access to its methods. getUserTransaction covers the first check and this method covers the second. It is called by the UserTransaction implementation to verify access.
      • doAfterBegin

        void doAfterBegin​(ComponentInvocation ci)
        Called from the TM when an EJB with Bean-Managed transactions starts a tx
      • startApplication

        void startApplication​(boolean deploy)
        Called after all the components in the container's application have loaded successfully. Allows containers to delay any instance creation or external invocations until the second phase of deployment. Note that this callback occurs at a point that is still considered within deployment. Failures should still still be treated as a deployment error.
        deploy - true if this method is called during application deploy
      • undeploy

        void undeploy()
        Called from EJB JarManager when an application is undeployed.
      • onReady

        void onReady()
        Called when server instance is Ready
      • onShutdown

        void onShutdown()
        Called when server instance is shutting down
      • onTermination

        void onTermination()
        Called when server instance is terminating. This method is the last one called during server shutdown.
      • getComponentId

        String getComponentId()
        Called from NamingManagerImpl during java:comp/env lookup.
      • setStartedState

        void setStartedState()
        Start servicing invocations for EJB instances in this Container.
      • setStoppedState

        void setStoppedState()
        Stop servicing invocations for EJB instances in this Container. Subsequent EJB invocations will receive exceptions. Invocations already in progress will be allowed to complete eventually.
      • setUndeployedState

        void setUndeployedState()
        Stop servicing invocations for EJB instances in this Container as the container is being undeployed. No new EJB invocations will be accepted from now on. Invocations already in progress will be allowed to complete eventually.
      • getJaccEjb

        Object getJaccEjb​(EjbInvocation inv)
        Used by EjbInvocation during JACC EnterpriseBean policy handler request for target EnterpriseBean instance.
        EnterpriseBean instance or null if not applicable for this invocation.
      • authorize

        boolean authorize​(EjbInvocation inv)
        Go through ejb container to do ejb security manager authorization.
      • isTimedObject

        boolean isTimedObject()
        Returns true if this Container uses EJB Timer Service.
      • isLocalObject

        boolean isLocalObject()
        Returns true if the bean associated with this Container has a LocalHome/Local view OR a Local business view OR both.
      • isRemoteObject

        boolean isRemoteObject()
        Returns true if the bean associated with this Container has a RemoteHome/Remote view OR a Remote business view OR both.