Class ServerRemoteAdminCommand

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class ServerRemoteAdminCommand
    extends RemoteAdminCommand
    RemoteAdminCommand which is sent from a server (DAS or instance).

    This class identifies the origin as a server (as opposed to a true admin client) for server-to-server authentication.

    Tim Quinn
    • Method Detail

      • getHttpConnectorAddress

        protected HttpConnectorAddress getHttpConnectorAddress​(String host,
                                                               int port,
                                                               boolean shouldUseSecure)
        Description copied from class: RemoteAdminCommand
        Provides an HttpConnectorAddress for use in connecting to the desired admin listener.

        This implementation works for true admin clients and will not work correctly for commands submitted to instances from inside the DAS. (That is done from the implementation in ServerRemoteAdminCommand which extends this class.)

        This code constructs the HttpConnectorAddress in a way that uses either no SSLSocketFactory (if security is off) or uses an SSLSocketFactory linked to the asadmin truststore.

        getHttpConnectorAddress in class RemoteAdminCommand
        host - the host name to which the connection should be made
        port - the admin port on that host
        shouldUseSecure - whether SSL should be used to connect or not
      • addAdditionalHeaders

        protected void addAdditionalHeaders​(URLConnection urlConnection)
        Adds the admin indicator header to the request so. Do this whether secure admin is enabled or not, because the indicator is unique among domains to help make sure only processes in the same domain talk to each other.
        addAdditionalHeaders in class RemoteAdminCommand
        urlConnection -