Class PlainTextActionReporter

    • Constructor Detail

      • PlainTextActionReporter

        public PlainTextActionReporter()
    • Method Detail

      • getContentType

        public String getContentType()
        Description copied from class: ActionReporter
        Returns the content type to be used in sending the response back to the client/caller.

        This is the default type. Specific subclasses of ActionReporter might override the method to return a different valid type.

        getContentType in class ActionReporter
        content type to be used in formatting the command response to the client
      • appendMessage

        public final void appendMessage​(String s)
        Append the string to the internal buffer -- not to the internal message string!
        appendMessage in class ActionReporter
        s - the string to append
      • appendMessageln

        public final void appendMessageln​(String s)
        Append the string to the internal buffer and add a linefeed like 'println'
        s - the string to append
      • getCombinedMessages

        public void getCombinedMessages​(ActionReporter aReport,
                                        StringBuilder out)
        Description copied from class: ActionReporter
        Returns combined messages. Meant mainly for long running operations where some of the intermediate steps can go wrong, although overall operation succeeds. Does nothing if either of the arguments are null. The traversal visits the message of current reporter first. The various parts of the message are separated by EOL_MARKERs.

        Note: This method is a recursive implementation.

        getCombinedMessages in class ActionReporter
        aReport - a given (usually top-level) ActionReporter instance
        out - StringBuilder instance that contains all the messages