Class AbstractAnnotationScanner

    • Field Detail

      • annotations

        protected volatile Set<String> annotations
        holds the annotations of interest to the specific type of scanner
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractAnnotationScanner

        public AbstractAnnotationScanner()
        Creates a new instance of AbstractAnnotationScanner
    • Method Detail

      • init

        protected abstract void init​(Set<String> annotationsSet)
        Invoked so the concrete subclass can populate the annotations set.

        Concrete implementations of this method should add to the set one or more Strings corresponding to the annotations of interest.

        annotationsSet - the Set object to be populated
      • isAnnotation

        public boolean isAnnotation​(String value)
        Test if the passed constant pool string is a reference to a Type.TYPE annotation of a J2EE component
        Specified by:
        isAnnotation in interface AnnotationScanner
        true if it is an annotation reference of interest to this scanner
      • getAnnotations

        public Set<String> getAnnotations()
        Description copied from interface: AnnotationScanner
        Returns a list of FQCN of annotations we are interested in.
        Specified by:
        getAnnotations in interface AnnotationScanner
        a list of fully qualified class name list of annotations.
      • constantPoolToFQCN

        public static Set<String> constantPoolToFQCN​(Set<String> annotations)
        For a set of annotations removes first and last character and replaces any / with .

        i.e. @Properties{ to Properties

        annotations -