Class GFApplicationRuntimeDDFile

  • @PerLookup
    public class GFApplicationRuntimeDDFile
    extends ConfigurationDeploymentDescriptorFile
    This class is responsible for handling the XML configuration information for the Glassfish Application Container
    • Constructor Detail

      • GFApplicationRuntimeDDFile

        public GFApplicationRuntimeDDFile()
    • Method Detail

      • getRootXMLNode

        public RootXMLNode getRootXMLNode​(Descriptor descriptor)
        Specified by:
        getRootXMLNode in class DeploymentDescriptorFile
        the - descriptor for which we need the node
        a RootXMLNode responsible for handling the deployment descriptors associated with this J2EE module
      • registerBundle

        public void registerBundle​(Map<String,​Class<?>> rootNodesMap,
                                   Map<String,​String> publicIDToDTDMap,
                                   Map<String,​List<Class<?>>> versionUpgrades)
        Register the root node for this runtime deployment descriptor file in the root nodes map, and also in the dtd map which will be used for dtd validation.
        registerBundle in class ConfigurationDeploymentDescriptorFile
        rootNodesMap - the map for storing all the root nodes
        publicIDToDTDMap - the map for storing public id to dtd mapping
        versionUpgrades - The list of upgrades from older versions