Class WsCompileInvoker

  • @Contract
    public abstract class WsCompileInvoker
    extends Object
    This interface is used by the deploytool to generate webservice artifacts. A client is expected to set the options and features using the add* methods before calling the generate* method Here is a code sample SEIConfig cfg = new SEIConfig("WeatherWebService", "WeatherWebService", "endpoint", "endpoint.WeatherService", "endpoint.WeatherServiceImpl"); WsCompileInvoker inv = WsCompileInvoker.getWsCompileInvoker(System.out); inv.addWsCompileOption(inv.TARGET_DIR, "/home/user/codesamples/weatherinfo/test"); inv.addWsCompileOption(inv.MAP_FILE, "/home/user/codesamples/weatherinfo/test/map109.xml"); inv.addWsCompileOption(inv.CLASS_PATH, "/home/user/codesamples/weatherinfo/service/build/classes"); inv.addWsCompileFeature("wsi"); inv.addWsCompileFeature("strict"); inv.generateWSDL(cfg); If the client uses the same instance of WsCompileInvoker for multiple invocations of wscompile, then it is the client's responsibility to empty the options (using the clearWsCompileOptionsAndFeatures() method) that are present in this Map before using this Map for the next wscompile invocation
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static String CLASS_PATH
      This specifies the classpath to be used by the wscompile tool - ideally this should at least be set to directory where the SEI package is present.
      static String MAP_FILE
      This specifies the file name to be used by the wscompile tool for creating the 109 mapping file.
      static String TARGET_DIR
      This specifies the target directory to be used by the wscompile tool to create the service artifacts - if this is not specified, then the current directory will be used by the wscompile tool
      protected HashMap wsCompileOptions
      This Map holds all the options to be used while invoking the wscompile tool; the options are set by the client of this interface using the setter methods available in this interface.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addWsCompileFeature​(String feature)
      This is used to set a feature to be used while invoking the wscompile tool; for example to use the -f:wsi feature, the call will be addWsCompileFeature("wsi") This will prefix -f: to the feature and set it as part of the options Map with operand being null
      void addWsCompileOption​(String option, String operand)
      This is used to set an option to be used while invoking the wscompile tool; for example to use the -classpath option for wscompile, the call will be setWsCompileOption(WsCompileInvoker.CLASS_PATH, "the_path"); For using wscompile options that are not defined in WsCompileInvoker, the 'option' argument of this call will be the actual argument to be used ; for example, for using the '-s' option of wscompile, the call to set the option will be setWsCompileOption("-s", "the_path_to_be_used"); For options that dont have an operand, the second argument can be null; for example, to invoke the wscompile tool with verbose option, the -verbose option will be set with this call setWsCompileOption("-verbose", null);
      void clearWsCompileOptionsAndFeatures()
      This is used to clear all options that have been set
      abstract void generateClientStubs​(WSDLConfig config)
      This is used to generate the non-portable client side artifacts given information on WSDL file location and the package name; The caller sends the required info on WSDL location, package name etc in WSDLConfig argument and this method creates the equivalent jaxrpc-config.xml, invokes wscompile with -gen:client option which will generate all required non-portable client-side artifacts like JAXRPC stubs etc.
      abstract void generateSEI​(WSDLConfig config)
      This is used to generate SEI and mapping files given information on WSDL file location, require package name.
      abstract void generateWSDL​(SEIConfig config)
      This is used to generate WSDL and mapping files given information on SEI config; the caller sends in all the required info in SEIConfig (info like name of webservice, interface name, package name etc) and this method creates the equivalent jaxrpc-config.xml, invokes wscompile with -define option which will generate the WSDL and the mapping file.
      boolean removeWsCompileFeature​(String feature)
      This is used to remove a feature that was set; for example to remove "-f:strict" feature that was set before the call will be removeWsCompileFeature("strict")
      boolean removeWsCompileOption​(String option)
      This is used to remove an option that was already set
    • Field Detail

      • wsCompileOptions

        protected HashMap wsCompileOptions
        This Map holds all the options to be used while invoking the wscompile tool; the options are set by the client of this interface using the setter methods available in this interface.
      • CLASS_PATH

        public static final String CLASS_PATH
        This specifies the classpath to be used by the wscompile tool - ideally this should at least be set to directory where the SEI package is present.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • TARGET_DIR

        public static final String TARGET_DIR
        This specifies the target directory to be used by the wscompile tool to create the service artifacts - if this is not specified, then the current directory will be used by the wscompile tool
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • MAP_FILE

        public static final String MAP_FILE
        This specifies the file name to be used by the wscompile tool for creating the 109 mapping file.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • WsCompileInvoker

        public WsCompileInvoker()
    • Method Detail

      • generateWSDL

        public abstract void generateWSDL​(SEIConfig config)
                                   throws WsCompileInvokerException,
        This is used to generate WSDL and mapping files given information on SEI config; the caller sends in all the required info in SEIConfig (info like name of webservice, interface name, package name etc) and this method creates the equivalent jaxrpc-config.xml, invokes wscompile with -define option which will generate the WSDL and the mapping file.
        SEIConfig - containing webservice name, package name, namespace, SEI and its implementation
      • generateSEI

        public abstract void generateSEI​(WSDLConfig config)
                                  throws WsCompileInvokerException,
        This is used to generate SEI and mapping files given information on WSDL file location, require package name. The caller sends the required info on WSDL location, package name etc in WSDLConfig argument and this method creates the equivalent jaxrpc-config,xml, invokes wscompile with -import option which will generate the SEI and a template implementation of the SEI.
        WSDLConfig - containing webservice name, package name, and WSDL location
      • generateClientStubs

        public abstract void generateClientStubs​(WSDLConfig config)
                                          throws WsCompileInvokerException,
        This is used to generate the non-portable client side artifacts given information on WSDL file location and the package name; The caller sends the required info on WSDL location, package name etc in WSDLConfig argument and this method creates the equivalent jaxrpc-config.xml, invokes wscompile with -gen:client option which will generate all required non-portable client-side artifacts like JAXRPC stubs etc.
        WSDLConfig - containing webservice name, package name, and WSDL location
      • addWsCompileOption

        public void addWsCompileOption​(String option,
                                       String operand)
        This is used to set an option to be used while invoking the wscompile tool; for example to use the -classpath option for wscompile, the call will be setWsCompileOption(WsCompileInvoker.CLASS_PATH, "the_path"); For using wscompile options that are not defined in WsCompileInvoker, the 'option' argument of this call will be the actual argument to be used ; for example, for using the '-s' option of wscompile, the call to set the option will be setWsCompileOption("-s", "the_path_to_be_used"); For options that dont have an operand, the second argument can be null; for example, to invoke the wscompile tool with verbose option, the -verbose option will be set with this call setWsCompileOption("-verbose", null);
        String - option the wscompile option to be used
        String - operand the operand for the option; null if none;
      • removeWsCompileOption

        public boolean removeWsCompileOption​(String option)
        This is used to remove an option that was already set
        String - The option that has to be removed
      • addWsCompileFeature

        public void addWsCompileFeature​(String feature)
        This is used to set a feature to be used while invoking the wscompile tool; for example to use the -f:wsi feature, the call will be addWsCompileFeature("wsi") This will prefix -f: to the feature and set it as part of the options Map with operand being null
        String - the feature to be set
      • removeWsCompileFeature

        public boolean removeWsCompileFeature​(String feature)
        This is used to remove a feature that was set; for example to remove "-f:strict" feature that was set before the call will be removeWsCompileFeature("strict")
        String - the feature to be removed
      • clearWsCompileOptionsAndFeatures

        public void clearWsCompileOptionsAndFeatures()
        This is used to clear all options that have been set